Who Will Help Me Make Some Bread? (A Metaphorical Story About Capitalism)

This is a satirical retelling of the classic children’s story, “The Little Red Hen.”

One day Mother Hen gathered all the farm animals together at the big red barn in the middle of the farm and asked them, “Who will help me make some bread?”

All of the animals said, “We will help you make some bread, if we can help you eat the bread”

Mother Hen said, “Who will help me plow a field to grow some wheat to make the bread from?”

The horses said, “We will help you plow the field.” Then the horses went and plowed a field.

When the field was plowed, Mother Hen said, “Now who will help me plant the wheat?”

The birds said, “We will help you plant the field.” Then the birds went and buried seeds in field.

When the seeds had grown into tall wheat plants, Mother Hen asked the farm animals, “Who will help me harvest the wheat?”

The goats said, “We will help you harvest the wheat.” Then the goats went and harvested all the wheat.

When the wheat was harvested, Mother Hen asked the farm animals, “Who will help me grind the wheat?”

The cows said, “We will help you grind the wheat.” Then they went and ground all the wheat.

When the wheat was ground, Mother Hen asked the farm animals, “Who will help me bake the bread?”

The mice said, “We will help you bake the bread.” Then they went and baked all the wheat into a loaf of bread that rose bigger than the big red barn in the middle of the farm.

When the bread was ready to eat, the farm animals lined up to get their share. Mother Hen plucked off a crumb for each animal. All of the animals groaned and shouted, “Why are you giving us so little?”

Mother Hen shouted back angrily, “I did most of the work. So I’m entitled to most of the bread. Plus, I could have chosen someone else to do your job. So you should be grateful to get anything at all.”

And all the farm animals except Mother Hen lived abjectly ever after.

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