Tweets by The Wise Sloth #21: Immigration, Racism and Guns

Cartoon image of a sloth sitting on a mountain top. He is wearing a yellow robe. His head is bowed with his eyes shut, and beams of light shine from around his head. With his left arm, he is holding one finger in the air. Above him are the words, "Tweets by The Wise Sloth."

If you think people who aren’t like you to leave your country, you should petition your government to make leaving your country not damn near impossible.

The question you should be asking isn’t, “Why are immigrants being let in my country?” but “Why isn’t everyone allowed to go everywhere?”

I wish humanity was as passionate about devoting resources to emigrating off Earth as we are stopping people from immigrating around Earth.

The more you believe that only the natives in your country deserve to live and work there, the less you believe all humans are one family.

Machines designed specifically to kill people don’t kill people. People kill people with machines designed specifically to kill people.

It doesn’t prove easy access to guns keeps us safer when a gun bought from Wal-Mart is used to stop a shooter who bought a gun at Wal-Mart.

The British defeated the Maoris by selling them guns, which they slaughtered each other with. Corporations did the same thing to Americans.

If the US government ever actually makes guns illegal, it won’t be to control gun advocates. It will be to bait them into a civil war.

It sucks that whenever there’s a mass shooting, one of the first questions it raises is, “What freedoms will we lose now?”

The NRA advocates mutually assured destruction as the best way to guarantee our safety. Their motto should be, “Salvation through fear.”

The more you hate a group of people, the more you should question the motives of the people who warned you about that group… regardless.

The more you believe your culture should be imposed on the entire world, the more likely you’re a gullible follower in a terroristic cult.

The more you believe that people who aren’t exactly like you are the root of your country’s problems, the more gullible you probably are.

Every American who hates immigrants doesn’t tell the waiter at their favorite authentic Asian and Mexican food restaurants about it.

When politicians tell you someone is coming to kill your family, it’s to distract you from noticing someone who is coming to take your money.

The larger the group of people you blame the world’s problems on, the more likely you’re just an intellectually lazy bigot.

If people keep stereotyping you as the worst member of your group, don’t try to fix your accusers. Raise up the broken members of your group.

There’s a time and a place to bitch about the dangers of illegal immigration. In summer, when Jose is landscaping your lawn, is not the time.

If you think the world is divided into liberals and conservatives, and world peace will be achieved when one side wins, you’re a gullible fool.

No matter where you live, if you’re proud of being in the majority, you’re probably proud of being a gullible, surface-thinking idiot.

If you find yourself celebrating the deaths of innocent civilians, it’s time to consider you might be one of the bad guys.

If your plan to make the world better is to kill, incarcerate or deport all the bad guys, you’re probably one of the bad guys.


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