Tweets by The Wise Sloth #22: Public Education


Cartoon image of a sloth sitting on a mountain top. He is wearing a yellow robe. His head is bowed with his eyes shut, and beams of light shine from around his head. With his left arm, he is holding one finger in the air. Above him are the words, "Tweets by The Wise Sloth."

Let’s just eliminate university and make public high school 4 years longer. It’ll be cheaper, and we’d get a better education.

Instead of using school time to teach kids how to celebrate nonsensical holidays, let’s teach them how to solve problems during that time.

Learning how to overcome fear is more important than learning the quadratic equation. Yet schools are more likely to teach the latter.

Dangerous adults aren’t created when society fails to censor kids from bad ethics, but when society fails to teach kids functional ethics.

America’s education system is so broken, it would be better to go 100% digital and close all brick and mortar schools.

It would solve so many problems later in life if schools taught children how to take a hint.

Schools should have classes that teach you how/why not to throw tantrums when you don’t get what you want.

My high school history teacher once told my class America was founded by criminals, slaves, and religious freaks. It seems nothing has changed.

Just because you took a class in college doesn’t mean you know shit about shit.

High schools really need to teach classes on defining and maintaining your self-worth.

In a perfect world, we would have instructional classes in school on dating, sex, and masturbation.

They tell you to go to college to learn. They don’t tell you half your professors will just teach you their shitty life story.

The call to action raised by ignorance is education, not violence.

Anyone who educates themself is a hero.


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