4 Reasons Americans Shouldn’t Accept Trump As President

1: The election system is corrupt.

In a fair and free election, the presidential candidates would be selected from the general population, but America’s system only allows the DNC and RNC to nominate candidates from within their good old boy network, leaving voters to pick between the lesser of two evils.

To make the system even less representative, the entire voting population is divided into 50 arbitrary groups and forced to register with one of the ruling political parties. When people vote, they don’t actually vote for the president. They vote for a member of the Electoral College to hopefully vote for their party’s representative.



During the presidential primaries, voters who register with the DNC had to compete with superdelegates to determine who the DNC’s presidential candidate would be. Superdelegates are former politicians who get to cast special votes equal to several hundred thousand regular votes, which is a blatant form of corruption meant to water down regular people’s ability to influence the result of the presidential primary election.

Hillary Clinton wouldn’t have beat Bernie Sanders without the help of superdelegates, and Donald Trump wouldn’t have beat Hillary Clinton without the help of the Electoral College. So the regular voters’ choices were dismissed multiple times through the course of the election process. In the end, they didn’t get to pick who they wanted to run for president. The American people shouldn’t honor any presidential candidate who is selected for them using this convoluted system.


2: Hillary Clinton should have been disqualified.

In order for a presidential candidate’s victory to be legitimate, he/she must run against a legitimate candidate, and Hillary Clinton should have been disqualified before the final vote for several reasons.

In 2016, whistleblowers revealed the DNC colluded with Hillary Clinton to undermine Bernie Sanders’ campaign despite the fact that Sanders was more popular with the voting public. Plus, investigators found evidence of voter fraud in several states that helped Clinton beat Sanders. For these reasons alone, she should have been disqualified.

Clinton’s private charity, The Clinton Foundation, was found guilty of fraud and accepting money from foreign investors who Clinton has political and economic ties too. This creates a conflict of interest that would have prevented her from representing the will of the people.

She was also under investigation for illegally operating an unsecured top secret E-mail server in her private residence. The FBI found her guilty of wrongdoing but not criminal activity, but the American people deserve candidates who aren’t currently under investigation by the FBI. The fact that she wasn’t punished for breaking the rules, just illustrates that people with enough political power are above the law.



Anyone who says Clinton’s E-mail scandal got blown out of proportion, probably never had a top secret security clearance. I had a top secret security clearance for seven years because I configured, installed, networked and administered classified E-mail servers for the U.S. Air Force. In the intelligence community, the words “top secret” mean “zero tolerance.” Mishandling any classified material is tantamount to selling secrets to the enemy. If anyone else did what Clinton did, they would be sent to military prison, and at the very least, lose their security clearance. Since I would have been disqualified from running for president if I’d mishandled classified information the way she did, then she should have lost her opportunity as well.

Even without all that, Clinton has been caught lying to the public countless times and holding private meetings with rich and powerful investors who make fortunes fleecing the poor. Leaked documents revealed her telling these investors to have a public and a private persona. Even though this isn’t illegal, it proves she lacks the integrity to hold a security clearance or represent the American people.



Before Trump is allowed to take office, he should have to compete against a legitimate candidate. As it stands, he may as well have run against a cardboard cutout of Lord Voldemort.


3: Trump should have been disqualified.

Donald Trump should also be disqualified because of his character. I guarantee he wouldn’t be able to pass the same polygraph tests Edward Snowden took to get his top secret security clearance, because he swindled customers using unethical business practices, bribed politicians, exploited legal loopholes for personal gain, had sex with married women and admitted to being unable to stop himself from committing sexual assault. These behaviors aren’t excusable. They’d disqualify him from working at Kunia and should bar him from working at The White House as well.



Trump’s behavior is abnormal to the point of qualifying him as clinically insane. He’s a pathological liar with no moral compass. Instead of swearing him in as president, we should be hosting a new election and requiring candidates to pass a rigorous psychological screening, lie detector test, and competency exam.



4: Some voters should have been disqualified.

Objective statistics show the majority of Trump’s supporters are senile or uneducated. The whole point of the Electoral College is supposedly to prevent fools from electing fools, and that system failed in 2016.

As un-American as barring individuals from voting may seem, we already do it to felons and anyone without the right ID card. The 2016 election proved we need to have a serious conversation about requiring voters to meet higher benchmarks to qualify for the right to vote. It might serve the country best if we required citizens to earn the right by serving in the military or Peace Corp… but only after we stop brainwashing military recruits.

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Corruption and Election Reform
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